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State Taxes

Would you like your State taxes lowered?  Can your State afford it?  Will you stand for it?  It's my opinion that the State needs to collect money to operate.  During tough times like these, most States find themselves searching for ways to keep from falling deeper and deeper in debt and at the same time, finding it tougher and tougher maintaining schools, public facilities and providing State roadways and aid.  So what's a State to do?  Some say, cut State jobs, some say, cut school grants and support, some say cut road development and maintenance, while others simply say make the people receiving State aid, work for the State?

Here again, it's my opinion that the State taxes should not be cut and State aid should not be withdrawn.  So where's the money to come from?  Many, but not all of the State welfare and State supported people could do at least something for the State to compensate the State for their income.  After all, if a person is capable of working, why aren't they?  And why should they be able to sit on their rear while the rest of the State struggles to keep a float?  Roads, maintenance, paperwork and hundreds of other State government jobs could be comprised of State welfare workers.  Not only would the welfare workers be doing their part, but State and Federal taxes could be collected to in turn lesson the burden.  This is not new, but what about State convicts?  Let's have them do a little of the physical labor such as road and maintenance, building and trade work.  While we are at it, let's also raise the level of our teachers and the quality of education.  As stated before "education is the future of America!"  

We could also stop spending our money outside of the State.  It always amazes me how schools and government agencies gather their income from State and local businesses, then turn around and have non-State agencies bid on work that should be intended for State employees.

While we are at it, let us also end the North American Trade Agreement, it's obvious that if a company can buy for less or pay their employees less, they are going to through out patriotism in favor of profit.  Most people say this is just good business, well I disagree.  Start the savings at home, place tariffs on imports and balance the trade deficit while collecting tax which in turn helps every US citizen.

Now I could go on, but I'm not sure who's still with me, so in closing "get ride of Alan Greenspan!"   State Taxes

36% in favor of the article.

37% in favor of tax cuts.

14% need more information.

13% didn't know.

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