Limbaugh statements on ESPN's pregame show concerning Donovan McNabb has set the NAACP and politicians, looking for votes on fire.  Rush quits under pressure.

"I personally didn't like the over weight, shallow, outspoken loud mouth anyways, but I guess millions of others did.  My only bitch is that he should have been able to have said what he did since we allow minorities to bash and accuse whites to say anything they want.  It least he wasn't yelling it like many minorities and young whites."

"I didn't know I had so many issues until I read my own email to you (  However, this is the same kind of comments most of my friends make when their not under the public eye."

"What's fair for one race should be fair for another.  If you don't think so, you just aren't thinking about what you have heard."

"America only seems to listen to yelling, screaming and when individuals hurt or kill someone.  Why don't we take some 'proactive measures?'"

Robert T. / AZ


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